57' Burmester Yawl

57' Burmester Yawl

57' Burmester Yawl

Sie erreichen uns unter 0421-46046050 oder schreiben Sie uns eine E-Mail.

Burmester Yawl HARMATTAN is a classic cruiser yacht in first class construction quality, designed by Gruber/Jeglinski in 1968. Built in steel by the well-known Burmester shipyard in Germany.
Whether blue water sailing or classic regatta participations, Harmattan is a perfect companion and represents a reasonable compromise on the subject, quality of life, also on long travel and good sportsmanship, if desired. Inspections are highly welcome and can be arranged on short notice. Please contact UNIKATOO for the full listing.

57' Burmester Yawl

Sie erreichen uns unter 0421-46046050 oder schreiben Sie uns eine E-Mail.

Burmester Yawl HARMATTAN is a classic cruiser yacht in first class construction quality, designed by Gruber/Jeglinski in 1968. Built in steel by the well-known Burmester shipyard in Germany.

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